PPP is deliberating nominating Sandiaga as a candidate in the Jakarta …
    • 작성일24-09-03 22:52
    • 조회2
    • 작성자Twyla
    nData collection for the Journalist Safety Index survey was conducted from January 22 to February 13, 2024, using a self-filling method by sending questionnaires to journalists registered in various organizations, visiting journalists in the field, and interviewing some journalists to verify crucial information

    Forms of violence during election coverage include coverage bans (44 percent), reporting bans (41 percent), terror and intimidation (38 percent), deletion of coverage results (35 percent), threats (23 percent), and the remainder in the form of digital attacks, destruction or confiscation of equipment, and physical violence

    Previously, PDIP DPP Chairperson Said Abdullah mentioned that he had visited Cak Imin's residence to discuss cooperation in the Jakarta Pilkada. Said mentioned that PKB is ready to nominate Anies Baswedan in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "We visited the PKB General Chair's house, I remember it was after Friday prayers on May 30 before going to Mecca. We talked heart-to-heart, building communication among elites, sharing views," Said clarified. During the meeting, Said admitted, PKB has a strong opportunity to nominate Anies in the Jakarta gubernatorial election. "As far as I know from PKB, if I’m not mistaken, they are ready to nominate Anies Rasyid Baswedan," he said. Said mentioned that the meeting's results with Cak Imin had been reported to PDIP Secretary-General Hasto Kristiyanto and PDIP DPP Chairperson Puan Maharani. He said he would also report the view to Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri. "Not necessarily with PDIP, we share views, not seeking agreement. My task is to report to Mbak Puan and Mr. Secretary-General," said Said. "Maybe later there will be a meeting with the Chairperson to discuss the results of every lobby or mutual visits among elites," he continued.

    037995000_1712109908-IMG_0385.jpgThe postgraduate alumnus from the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) at Wijaya Kusuma University Surabaya (UWKS) believes that the emergence of young NU figures competing in the East Java Pilkada shows the success of cadre regeneration within NU.

    nWatch this selected video: [Woman Hysterical as Tornado Damages Dozens of Stalls and Houses in Kebumen](https://www.vidio.com/watch/7220404-wanita-histeris-saat-puting-beliung-merusak-puluhan-kios-dan-rumah-di-kebumen)

    Meanwhile, Populix Research Manager Nazmi Haddyat Tamara mentioned that in a survey of journalists, it was found that the most frequently mentioned threats in the last election came from individuals or groups with personal motives (36 percent) and candidate success teams (33 percent)

    049898300_1707953170-20240215-Pidato_Klaim_Kemenangan-HER_3.jpgAdditionally, Sudirman said Sohibul Iman also has extensive experience in politics. Sohibul Iman was elected three times as a member of the DPR in 2009-2014, 2014-2019, and 2024-2029 periods. He also served as Deputy Speaker of the DPR RI.

    084080300_1715599794-Infografis_SQ_Ragam_Tanggapan_Pilkada_Jakarta_2024_Bakal_Diramaikan_Calon_Jalur_Independen.jpg[vidio:VIDEO: Discussion: The Anies-Kaesang Duo and RK Competing in the Jakarta Pilkada, What Are the Chances?](https://www.vidio.com/watch/8231531-wacana-duet-anies-kaesang-dan-rk-bersaing-di-pilkada-jakarta-bagaimana-peluangnya-liputan-6)

    077320900_1574134640-Ilustrasi_Cek_Fakta_banner_3.jpgHowever, it is considered challenging because he previously resigned from his position as deputy governor of Jakarta to contest in the 2019 Presidential Election. This has caused Sandiaga's supporters, who are members of Rumah SandiUno Indonesia (RSI), to speak out. It is mentioned that his resignation, currently holding the position of the Tourism and Creative Economy Minister, was for the good of the people. "Bang Sandiaga Uno's action to resign from the position of DKI Deputy Governor at that time was in the interest of the people, especially the Jakarta citizens," said RSI General Secretary, Denny H Suryo Prabowo, in his address on Tuesday (11/6/2024). He mentioned that Sandiaga is someone who is always fully committed to his work and tasks. "Bang Sandiaga is ever prepared to take on tasks for the benefit of the people and the people of Indonesia. Both in the 2017 Jakarta Regional Election and the 2019 Pilpres, the endorsement for Bang Sandi Uno, who ran with Pak Prabowo, from the public was also significant," Denny stated. According to him, Sandiaga's move to resign from his position as Deputy Governor was because he did not want to compromise the benefit of the people. "Sandiaga Uno didn't want to demonstrate poor conduct for the people by only going on leave from his position as Deputy Governor. He understood that his responsibilities as Jakarta deputy governor were arduous and could not be juggled with the equally demanding presidential race," Denny elaborated. He mentioned that Sandiaga Uno believed it was unfair to the people if he performed half-heartedly, so he opted to withdraw from his position. "Sandiaga Uno {felt|believed|thought

    Eko mentioned that the final decision on gubernatorial candidates will appear just before the registration of regional head candidates in August. "Zita could be paired with Kaesang, Anies maybe, or even Sohibul Iman, so it's still very open," he said. According to him, the Jakarta PAN Regional Leadership Council (DPW PAN) has engaged with various parties to decide which candidate to support. He assured that the support would be for a candidate who is appropriate for the community, not just for the party. "Everyone is being communicated with, everyone, yes, talking to each other, and later we will see which one is most suitable," he added .

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